The WBBA Breeder Recognition Program recognises those breeders that strive toward healthier boerboels. Each level recognises a further commitment to testing for health and temperament. A Breeder Recognition Award displayed on a breeder's website, social media page or puppy advertisement demonstrates that the breeder meets that level of excellence in testing their breeding dogs. Each dog will aslo begiven a related award depending on the testing completed. The award is displayed on the database and pedigree certificate of the dog.
Standard Tests
Sex Organs:
- Vaginal Hyperplasia (Females only)
- Two fully descended testicles (Males only).
Genetic Health Screen:
can include

A breeder awarded the WBBA Bronze Breeder status identifies that the breeder conducts at least three standard health tests from the lists above or a combination of three health and genetic tests.

A breeder awarded the WBBA Gold Breeder status identifies that the breeder conducts all standard health tests from the lists above and a general panel of genetic health tests.

A breeder awarded the WBBA Silver Breeder status identifies that the breeder conducts all the standard health tests and 2 other tests from the lists above.

A breeder awarded the WBBA Platinum Breeder status identifies that the breeder conducts all standard health tests, a general panel of genetic health tests and an approved temperament test.